I’m Not a Professional (on what you’re asking) Yet

I woke up today feeling like the holidays really are upon us. It was 11:00 am, and I was startled by how much I slept; 10 hours doesn’t justify one bartending shift and a few hours of reading the day before. I was refreshed, and the day just had a feel, like, game on mother-fucker. I liked it.

School is in its final throws. Finals are due in two weeks, and I’ve also signed myself up to make my first Thanksgiving dinner. I’ve diligently researched brining, roasting, potatoes, dressing, sauces, and beverages. I’m not worried, I got this.

Work is good. I’m making money, and relieved to walk out of the door without a care in the world.

Part of my interactions these days at work involve my explanation of why I am there. It’s hard to explain to people that you gave up your job to go back to school, and that bartending is a valid and optimal financial choice given the time constraint. The most annoying part of the customer-bartender interview happens when I tell them that I study public policy. People think it’s carte blanche to ask you what your opinion is about current politics, or relevant policy at the time. No no no no no, my new friend. I’m studying how policy WORKS, and of course specific examples come up relative to understanding concepts in my classes, but I learn mechanics, that’s it. Asking me what I think about policy as a student is no different that asking me as a typical citizen, as far as anyone is concerned. Thank “insert your higher being” that I’m not a law student in this regard.

Bartending, by the way, should be a word recognized by most programs. I always get the red squiggly line when I type it, but “bar-space-tending” seems weird. Agreed?

It’s the time of week to miss Matt; I haven’t seen him since Tuesday and I won’t again until tomorrow night. It’s nice to have an equal partner and ultimate best friend. It’s nice to miss, and be missed.

This weekend will bring on the ultimate “clean out the refrigerator and pantry movement” prior to Turkey Day. Let the culinary fun begin.